What are the benefits of eating sesame before breakfast?

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on December 23, 2023, At 07:08 PM ET

Posted on December 23, 2023, At 07:08 PM ET

Sesame is one of the seeds that we use in different ways in preparing delicious baked goods or delicious desserts, but do you know, ma’am, that the health benefits of sesame can go beyond these simple kitchen uses? Follow today's article to learn more about these wonderful seeds.

Health benefits of eating sesame on an empty stomach

  • Eating sesame helps reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood thanks to it containing healthy fats.
  • Sesame contains antioxidants represented by lignans, sesamin, and other substances that are characterized by their biochemical interaction in the body.
  • Sesamin, found in sesame seeds, contributes to fighting Alzheimer's disease, which causes damage and atrophy of nerve cells in the brain. This is in addition to sesame containing a high percentage of vitamin E, which plays an important role in cognitive delay in the aging period.

  • The oil extracted from sesame works to control high blood pressure, as its effect is similar to blood pressure medications, thanks to it containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, sesamecin, and vitamin E.
  • Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants that fight the appearance of free radicals caused by exposure to harmful sunlight, which causes many skin damages, such as sunburn, spots, wrinkles and skin cancer.
  • Sesame seeds contain a large percentage of dietary fiber, which contributes to enhancing the functioning of the digestive system by improving digestion, preventing constipation, enhancing the feeling of fullness, and maintaining overall body weight, thus preventing diseases resulting from excess weight, such as arterial and heart diseases.
  • Sesame seeds are a natural alternative to milk and its derivatives because they contain a high percentage of calcium, which contributes to preventing osteoporosis problems, promoting bone growth, preventing some diseases such as rickets, neurological functions, and regulating blood pressure levels.
  • Sesame seeds provide a group of B vitamins that are involved in many vital functions, such as manufacturing red blood cells and providing energy in the body.
  • Sesame is a suitable food for those who suffer from thinness, as it contains a high percentage of protein, which contributes to building muscle tissue and magical weight gain.
  • Sesame is beneficial in increasing milk production in a breastfeeding mother, so it can be consumed in moderation during this period.

  • Sesame contains elements that enhance the absorption of vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin D.
  • Medical research has indicated that sesame seeds improve fatty acid metabolism in postmenopausal women, in addition to achieving hormonal balance in menopause.

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